2019+ Pidato Narkoba Untuk Pelajar dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris

Contoh Pidato tentang narkoba dan bahaya narkoba
Contoh Pidato tentang narkoba dan bahaya narkoba

Selamat pagi kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Pidato bertemakan anti Narkoba. Contoh pidato narkoba berikut untuk para pelajar yang memiliki tugas membuat pidato tentang narkoba dan anti narkoba serta kejahatan narkoba.

This article is about :

  • Pages that promote drug-rehabilitation.
  • Information pages about the history of a recreational drug (e.g., opium wars). 
  • speech about why drugs are dangerous for our health.

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Pidato Narkoba Singkat Bahasa Indonesia

Dibawah ini saya akan memberikan dua contoh pidato singkat tentang anti narkoba dan penyalagunaan narkoba. Silahkan menyimak. Nanti saya akan buatkan channel Youtube khusus untuk contoh pidato singkat dan panjang.

Pidato Bahaya Narkoba dan Penyebarannya Di Kalangan Remaja

Pidato tentang narkoba dan anti narkoba
Juara pidato di DKI Jakarta, Sherly. Pidato tentang narkoba dan anti narkoba

Terima kasih atas kehadiran kalian semua, sehingga pidato saya kali ini, tidak lagi didepan cermin seperti waktu saya latihan kemarin.

Hadirin yang terhormat, Ibu dan Bapak guru serta teman teman sekalian. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Puji Syukur atas Rahmat dan Rezeki Allah SWT agar kita semua dapat hadir dan sehat serta aman di tempat ini. Mari panjatkan salawat dan salam kita kepada Rasulullah SAW, atas ajarannya lah, kita dapat menjadi tahu mana yang baik dan buruk.

Hadirin sekalian, kita semua tahu bahwa ada banyak ancaman yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat kita dan khususnya di kalangan pelajar. Berbagai hal diantaranya seperti, kenakalan remaja, bullying, pickpocket atau pencurian, aksi premanisme, aksi coret coret dinding, bolos, bermain game berlebih, menonton tayangan tidak pantas dan yang paling parah, NARKOBA dan Narkotika.

Hadirin dan teman teman sekalian. Tanpa menyepelekan tindakan penyimpangan di kalangan pelajar dan remaja yang lain, narkoba dan narkotika memang sangat merusak pelajar di Indonesia.

Hadirin sekalian, Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) menyebut pengguna narkoba di Indonesia mencapai 5,1 juta orang, dan itu terbesar di Asia. Dari jumlah itu, 40% di antaranya berasal dari kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa. Menurut HUMAS BNN bahwa ada 1,2 juta orang dari 5,1 juta adalah “Pencoba” atau “taster”, sisanya adalah pecandu narkoba dan pengedar. Miris, hadirin sekalian.

Hadirin sekalian, apakah kalian tahu tingkatan pelajar yang kedapatan “mencoba” narkoba ini, SD, SD hadirin sekalian. Bayangkan anak SD, yang pacaran aja belum tahu, sudah dicekoki barang haram ini. Mulai dari SD, SMP, dan SMA hingga perguruan tinggi, menjadi pencoba dan pecandu narkoba.

Hadirin sekalian, saya dan kita semua tahu, pemerintah Indonesia di era Jokowi ini telah banyak berbuat untuk mengurangi dan mencoba menghentikan penyebaran narkoba dan narkotika dan penyalagunaan obat obat terlarang ini.

Dari kalangan BNN, polisi hingga TNI serta Babinsa telah berusaha keras untuk menanggulangi penyebaran narkoba dan penyalagunaan narkoba. Anggota DPR kita serta DPD telah bekerja keras dalam meramu aturan aturan yang baru dan memperbaiki aturan aturan yang telah ada untuk memperkuat sistem keamanan dan ketahanan negara kita di area konstitusi.

Hadirin sekalian, Izinkanlah saya dalam kesempatan ini, untuk memberikan beberapa saran dan masukan dalam menanggulangi penyebaran narkoba dan narkotika serta penyalagunaan di kalangan remaja.

Pertama, Pendidikan mengenai bahaya narkoba dan pidana yang mengena serta dampak kesehatan dan sosial serta ekonomi akibat menggunakan narkoba harus disebar luaskan. Mulai dari sosial media, media pembelajaran kelas dan juga dalam bentuk multimedia.

Kedua, Para pekerja seni dan artis serta influencer, haruslah aktif dan didorong oleh negara dalam membuat konten yang berisikan tentang anti narkoba dan bahaya narkoba.

Ketiga, Perlu diadakannya, tes kesehatan dan tes bebas narkoba untuk semua pelaku akademik, baik itu kalangan administrasi, kepala sekolah, guru guru, satpam, dan juga semua siswa secara berkala, dan jadwalnya harus di rahasiakan, agar lebih efektif. Bagaimana hadirin sekalian, kalian setuju? 

Keempat, Aturan mengenai narkotika dan narkoba perlu di percepat, dikarenakan setiap waktu ada jenis jenis narkotika baru yang ada di dunia yang belum tercatat di Undang Undang Narkotika kita.

Kelima, Negara perlu mengawasi lebih ketat lagi jalur perairan, dikarenakan hampir 80 persen narkoba dan narkotika yang tersebar di Indonesia datang dari kapal kapal asing. Memang sayang sekali hadirin sekalian, kita negara kelautan yang belum berkuasa penuh atas seluruh sudut di perairan kita.

Baca Kelanjutan Pidatonya di Halaman Selanjutnya.

Keenam, Perlu adanya kesadaran dan pengawasan dari orang tua siswa dan pelajar untuk memperhatikan kondisi mental dan kesehatan anak anak mereka. Hadirin sekalian, menurut BNN, banyak pengguna coba coba ini, karena mereka memiliki banyak masalah dan juga orang tua mereka tidak memperhatikan mereka. Hal ini perlu kita pecahkan segera, agar masa depan bangsa kita bisa selamat.

Saya yakin banyak diantara hadirin sekalian yang memilik ide ide dan solusi serta saran yang bagus dan lebih banyak. Mari kita masing masing gunakan saran itu untuk diri kita, kemudian untuk keluarga kita, dan jikalau ada kesempatan, kita sampaikan ke Pak Presiden Jokowi.

Hadirin sekalian, kita tidak boleh kalah dalam Perang INI, Perang melawan Narkoba, Mereka yang harus kalah, parah biadab yang memproduksi narkoba dan menyebarkannya. 

Sekian pidato saya, saya sangat senang bisa berbicara di hadapan kalian semua. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Contoh Pidato Singkat Narkoba

Lengkap dan Mudah Dihafal

Berikut pidato tentang narkoba dalam bahasa Inggris

Speech of About Drugs Abuse to Open A Seminar

Pidato dibawah ini tentang pidato tentang seminar penyalagunaan narkoba. Silahkan dicek website : learniseasy.com

Pidato tentang narkoba seorang siswa di Gontor dalam bahasa Inggris
Pidato tentang narkoba seorang siswa di Gontor

First, May I welcome you all very warmly to Makassar for this National Seminar Of Drugs Abuse and Addiction. All of your presence here is the clearest possible evidence of the determination of all our people not just to fight the menace of drugs, but to fight and win the upper hand.

It is a particular honour and privilege to have you, Mr xxxxxxx, Mr/Mrs Mayor of Makassar, with us. You are regarded with very great respect—and if I may say so, affection—right throughout the world and there is the greatest admiration for the way in which you have enhanced both the moral and the practical authority of the Macassar city. Your presence with us reaffirms the Macassar’ strong commitment to National and International cooperation against the evil of drugs and we are particularly pleased that Makassar city and Indonesia have worked together to call this Seminar. (GANTI xxx dengan nama kepala daerah anda).

It is also a very great pleasure to have with us Chieft of BKKBN of South Sulawesi—welcome! (applause) Chieft, we honour your enormous courage and that of your Departemen, your Officials and your support in the fight against the drug barons. BKKBN deserves all the moral and practical support which Makassar and South Sulawesi community can provide—and you will have it!

I greet all the participants of this Seminar, all the lectures, college student, high school student, all the parents and also other dear participants. All of your participation here, demonstrates the wholehearted commitment of our community to do something practical about the drug problem. You have not come here to spend time on generalities but to agree on action, action to reduce the demand for drugs, action against the growing threat from cocaine.

Ladies and Gentleman, mankind has many enemies—some of them have been with us as long as Man himself has existed: war, poverty, famine, drought and disease; but even as we have begun to conquer these age-old enemies, they have been reinforced by others and two in particular.

First, the threat to our global environment from human pollution of our planet and second, the insidious threat to our way of life from drugs and from the evils they bring in their wake: disease, corruption, violence, crime, breaking up families and destroying young lives.

But what is most encouraging, Ladies and Gentleman, All participant, is that we are tackling these new problems by cooperating through all departement including the Police, the army, the BKKBN, and all civil servant and all the people. The problems are worldwide and solutions will only be found if we put together all our resources and our expertise in a great common effort. That is what we are already doing with environmental problems and that is what we must do with the drug menace.

The coming decade has been proclaimed as the ‘Indonesia Decade Against Drug Abuse’. This must not be just a label or a slogan; it must represent our united will and determination to prosecute the campaign against drugs.
Ladies and Gentleman, Our Justice Departement, BKKBN and our goverment already tackling many aspects of the drug problem and with some success:

First, They are taking action against the production of drugs, through eradication, crop substitution and alternative development programmes.

Second, just as important, they need to monitor and control trade in the precursor chemicals used in the manufacture of illicit drugs.

Third, they are taking action against drug trafficking by increased cooperation between national police and customs authorities and by confiscating the assets of traffickers.

Pidato Tentang Narkoba dan Anti Narkoba dalam Bahasa Inggris

Fourth, They are cooperating in the Economic Summit Seven and more widely against laundering of drug money.

Pidato tentang narkoba dan anti narkoba dan penyalagunaan narkoba
Pidato tentang narkoba dan anti narkoba dan penyalagunaan narkoba

Fifth, They are improving treatment and rehabilitation for the victimes of drug abuse.
Despite these efforts, we should not for one moment under-estimate the scale of the continuing drug problem and it is not only the personal tragedies which illegal drug-taking causes, heart-rending as they are.

In some parts of the world, drugs have become a fundamental part of the economy. There are groups—not just the drug barons, fearsome as they are—but growers and middle-men, who do not want us to succeed.

They are determined to go on pouring drugs on to the world market through established channels and through new ones.

They do not care what damage and human tragedies they cause; their motive is money and they will stop at nothing to get it. It is this great danger which makes everything we do, including the the result of this seminar and the work of our justice system, even more urgent and Ladies and Gentlemen, they must not succeed—we must! (applause)

But in this Seminar, we want to address with a particular aspect of the problem—that of demand for drugs. Our hope is there are effort, a tremendous effort, to reduce production of drugs and to prevent trafficking in them can never succeed while demand for drugs is still there. Reducing demand may be less dramatic and newsworthy than arresting traffickers but without customers the drug traffickers would soon be out of business.

Untuk Membaca kelanjutan Pidato Narkoba bahasa Inggris diatas, tindis halaman selanjutnya.

Kelanjutan Pidato Tentang Narkoba dalam Bahasa Inggris

The problem of demand is not limited just to a handful of countries. The days when you could draw a useful distinction between producer countries, transit countries and consumer countries are over. Now, there is scarcely a country in Europe, in Asia or in Africa which does not experience some demand for drugs and therefore provide a market. All these problem are acute and the task of our Goverment and our house of representatives is to devise policies deal with it.

Let me suggest some thoughts, at the outset, six specific areas where should we do as fast as we could:

First, we should do more to educate our young people in the terrible consequences of drug abuse, what it can do their health, to their job prospects, to their hopes for a normal and happy life. There is no glamour in drugs—only depravity and despair—but we have to recognise that the right action started now will take quite a time to produce results.

Second, we can do more to deter, through advertising and publicity, on the lines of our own drug prevention publicity campaign. Sometimes, this may have to be painfully explicit about the consequences of drug-taking. Many of our countries have been successful through that sort of campaign in deterring young people from smoking and from the kind of behaviour which increases the risk of contracting AIDS. We can use some of the same technique against drugs.

Third, we should set out to strengthen the importance of the family and the community as a protection against drug abuse. The problem is never going to be solved by governments and police forces on their own. So often, drug-taking starts amongst other young people in the company of friends, at parties, in the local community and that is where it must be tackled—by parental control, by example, by leadership and by drug-prevention initiatives within this community.

In this country, the Community Action Trust, supported largely by donations from business, operates a scheme known as “Crime Stoppers” by funding a telephone line for anonymous callers. This has let to over 1500 arrests, including more than 300 for drug offences and at the end of this summer, Community Action Trust is to launch a new scheme known as “Drug Command” , to help fight drug dealing, and I am delighted to say that another group of business people is setting up a charity “Business Against Drugs” to raise awareness of the dangers and of the techniques which drug pushers use. To be forewarned of their methods helps young people to resist them.

Pidato tentang narkoba dan bahaya narkoba serta penyalagunaan narkoba di kalangan remaja dalam bahasa Inggris
Pidato tentang narkoba dan bahaya narkoba serta penyalagunaan narkoba di kalangan remaja dalam bahasa Inggris

Fourth, we have to improve ways to identify those taking drugs at an early stage before their dependence goes too far. Then, they can be counselled and helped while the problem is more easily soluble.

Fifth, we need to put a greater effort into treatment and rehabilitation, to break the habit for those who have become dependent on drugs. I have visited several drug rehabilitation centres and seen just how difficult it is to overcome drug dependence. We need to reinforce the determined efforts of these young people to kick the habit and help bring success to them and joy to their families.

Pidato Tentang Narkoba dan Penyalagunaan Narkoba dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sixth, we should make it absolutely clear that you cannot beat drug-taking by legalising drugs! (applause) That is the way to destroy young lives, ruin families and undermine society itself.

Our task is to protect young people, not deliberately to expose them to danger. I can assure you that our Government here will never legalise illicit drugs, hard or soft.
Ladies and gentleman, I am sure that other ideas will emerge in the course of our discussions. Our aim is to enable each of us to go home from this Seminar with a clear picture of the whole range of measures which are available to reduce demand for drugs. We can then consider how they can be applied or more effectively applied in each of community.

Ladies and gentleman, as well as reducing demand, our second purpose in this Seminar is to examine the growing threat to all of our Indonesia from cocaine in its various forms, including crack. That does not mean a lessening of our concern about other dangerous drugs, above all heroin. Heroin remains a very great danger and there are signs that production of it is actually increasing substantially in some parts of the world. Nonetheless, there are features which make the cocaine problem particularly serious at this time:

I think we have all read and been dismayed by its devastating effects on a generation of Americans and on their cities and we congratulate President Bush on the major initiative which he has taken against drugs, including cocaine and crack. We can learn from that, but there is now indisputable evidence that cocaine is spreading to affect virtually all our countries.

In our own case in Indonesia, cocaine seizures have recently exceeded heroin, indeed in each of the last three years cocaine seizures have exceeded heroin, and new markets are being established in China and no doubt elsewhere, with all the associated crime they bring.

We want this Seminar to examine every aspect of the cocaine problem: how we can prevent illegal cultivation; how we can intercept trafficking in cocaine; what we can do to stamp out dealing in cocaine on the streets, in the clubs and bars and worst of all, when it happens in schools.

We should not neglect the environmental aspects, in particular the damage to rain forests from cutting and clearing ground to cultivate drugs.
Part of the answer to cocaine lies in better international cooperation between police and customs authorities. Indonesia already has a number of bilateral agreements on customs cooperation and we plan to initial a further one tomorrow with other countries.

In addition, we have set up a new customs unit to provide training overseas and ask advice from other countries on how to fight all drug trafficking, including cocaine. We have already received many “Yes” for help and training from a lot of countries for this coming year alone and we shall happily accept it.

Ladies and gentleman, some areas in Makassar and South Sulawesi are particularly heavily affected by the drugs and cocaine problem. We have all applauded the courageous stand taken by Mayor of Makassar and all the justice departement. We applaud you, Mayor .xxxxxx.!

Ladies and gentleman, we are dealing with some of the most difficult problems of all. To reduce demand takes longer than to reduce supply and it will require years of patient effort in our country but our work over the next upcoming years can set us all on the right course and your success will help to determine the quality of life and the health of our young people for generations to come.

Ladies and Gentleman, I wish you all well in this Seminar.
Welcome and have a very good Seminar! (applause)

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2019+ Pidato Tentang Narkoba : Anti Narkoba dan Bahaya Narkoba

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